eye test

Free NHS Eye Tests and Optical Vouchers

Find out if you're entitled to free NHS eye tests or optical vouchers to reduce the cost of glasses or contact lenses. If you're not eligible for NHS-funded sight tests or optical vouchers, you'll have to cover the costs yourself.Free NHS eye testsYou're entitled to a free NHS sight test if you: are under 16

By |2021-05-07T14:56:56+00:00May 19th, 2021|Optometrist Locums|0 Comments

Looking After Your Eyes (Guide and Tips)

Why having regular eye tests and looking after your eyes are so important?Find out looking after your eyes by having regular eye tests (sight tests) are important and how a healthy lifestyle can help maintain good vision.It's easy to neglect your eyes because they often do not hurt when there's a problem. Having an eye

By |2021-05-07T15:03:03+00:00May 7th, 2021|Optometrist Locums|0 Comments
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