
Visual Fields Test Guide For Locums

All stores have a visual fields machine, but when locuming you could be presented with one you’ve never used or seen before. All the machines have different screening settings and functions, which can be confusing. With the assistance of a visual fields test guide, you’ll be more confident and familiar with using different types of machines. So, here’s a great visual fields test guide to help you get you up to speed.

There are two types of test, Supra-threshold tests (described as screening tests on some instruments) are used routinely on patients who are expected to be normal. Full-threshold tests (sometimes just called threshold tests) are useful when you either have a patient who you know has an eye disease or brain condition, who you suspect may have an eye disease or brain condition or who has shown a defect on a supra-threshold test.

Most common test conducted as a Supra-threshold test is the Central fields for a routine tested (usually covering between 20 and 30 degrees). A peripheral test may be added where a disease is expected or the patient has symptoms affecting the peripheral field.

On the Dicon and as an option on the Humphrey VFA uses A ‘quantify missed points’ feature setting on supra- threshold tests that can is between between a supra- and full- threshold test which is more reliable to use.

After finishing the test, the reliability must be checked, common rule states false positive and false negative should not be more the 33%, and fixation loss should not be more the 20%. If so test is deemed unreliable.


Tests supra threshold in 45 seconds and threshold in about 4-6 minutes.


Humphrey visual field analyzer (VFA). Considered the gold standard in visual field testing. There different types of test


The screening programmes are most often used.


Navigate through the menu on the side.


With all these modern visual fields machines there are common sources of error

With the help of this visual fields test guide, you should now be more familiar with their uses.

If you have an interest on how to use an OCT, click on this link here

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