
How To Prepare As A New Locum In 2021

Entering the Optometry Locum industry is an exciting thing. You’re going to exposed to higher daily salary, flexible working schedule and the luxury of being your own boss. But going in to something new is always scary, so here’s some tips on how to prepare and what to expect as a new locum in 2021 as well as what challenges you might face.

When Should I start locumming? Best rule of thumb is when your confident in your testing ability. The main difference between a locum and a resident is your testing if an unfamiliar environment. When you feel you can adapt and change in any given scenario you are ready to locum.

How to prepare as a new locum in 2021?

Once your confident you can take on this role we need to get organized.

What to expect?

When you start to locum, you will be nerves. But remember your doing the same job in just a different environment. When you arrive there will have someone there to greet you, give you your log in and get you up and running. If your unfamiliar with the systems, tell the store beforehand so they can train you before the clinic starts. Everyone is friendly and helpful. As the day goes on you will only get more comfortable and find your feet. Have look at our other blog to learn other tip to get you started.

If you have an interest on preparing for a locum position, press on this link here

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