
How To Write The Perfect Paper records?

colorful paperwork Stacked files on isolated background

This page will explain how to write the perfect paper records. Paper records can be daunting, annoying and time consuming system. But for many Opticians it’s still used on the daily bases.

As a new Optometrist starting career in Locuming, you may have not come across paper records before, and the thought is putting you off trying to Locum. Well don’t be. It’s an easy and important skill to to learn, and here’s some step to help you through it.

Step 1. Take your time and think about your sight test. what do ask? What do you do? what order is it done? It’s probably second nature to you now, but presented with a new template, it’s surprising how easily you can forget your flow.

Step 2. Once you’ve understood your flow, find the relative box on the recorded card. Make sure you have enough space to write your findings and information, you can use as much space as you like, just make sure all the information is it there. If you don’t do this before it’s easy to get flustered, and look unprepared in front of your patient.

Tip, use some scrap paper to organize yourself and add it to the record before the of the end of the sight test.

Step 3. If you a person who loves to write, you might find it difficult to fit it in everything you want in the appropriate box. Use the collage approved abbreviations, to save you some time and space.


Step 4. Keep your handwriting neat. The purpose for the record is to, retain clinical information, including the patient’s history. Enable another practitioner to take over the care of the patient, and protect yourself in case of complaints or for reference in a legal situation. To ensure this can be done your record needed to be legible.

Step 5. Handwriting works both ways, you might have amazing handwriting but the person before you might not. Make sure you have a few moments to read the previous records  before taking them in. you don’t want to be trying to decipher the last persons notes mid test. It will also let you prepare for the patient and get you organized. If the records are not ready for the clinic ahead, just ask the staff to prepare them.

Step 6. End of your test you need to sign and write you your GOC and OPL number on NHS test. These are time consuming tasks. Invest in a stamp so you can press sign and go.

Unfortunately, if it is your first time testing with paper records you will be a little slower. Don’t be scared to tell the practice your new to paper records, and ask for an extra 5 min. on average paper records should only take you 5 minutes longer to write up. Don’t let let it knock your confidence, it’s a new system, there will be some adaption.

Don’t let paper records stop you from Locuming. Follow these rules to get you prepared on how to write perfect paper records, and in no time it will become second nature.

If you have an interest on preparing for a locum position, press on this link here

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