
How to increase conversion in your store?

Conversion in the optometry world

Conversion is an ugly word in the optometry world but also the most important. On average stores expect 60% convergence from their Optometrist, which can be very easily achieved, little over half the people you see on the day buying glasses. Being a locum Optometrist, it is really important, for you have a high conversion, it is an aspect that stores look at for employability, on top of customer service and punctuality.

Here some great tips that will help you improve your conversion.

Honesty is the best policy

The main persona of the patient towards optometrist is that we are here to sell you glasses. Which is partly true, and when it comes to selling, people won’t buy from people they don’t like or trust. So rule number one, be Honest. Tell the patient what’s happening with their eyes? Will the glasses make a change to their vision? How damaged are the current glasses and can they survive another year? What this will do is build trust and repore. The patient will listen and take on your advice. This ultimate will give great clinical care and give the patient confidence in your store and product you sell knowing they have been taken care of.

Listen to the patient. 

One great skill is listening. During a test, you are agents the clock and have to condense so much information to perform your sight test, but what is sometimes missed is listening to the patient’s lifestyle, hobbies and understanding a little bit about there world. Understanding your patients’ lifestyle and reiterating these points back to them can make it personal and tailor experience. the perfect set or sets of glasses and lenses to help the patients. Leading to great conversion and AVD.

Strong 3-way handover

A 3-way handover is a discussion between an Optometrist, the dispenser and the patient about what the patient needs in their glasses. Get this right you will most like to convert. A great 3-way hand over consist of a strong introduction to the dispenser, approach them by name or title to show respect and value to th

e person. The patient knows they are being passed to someone knowledgeable.

Speak clearly. You’re passing over a medical prescription; the patient must feel confident that the next person will get it right. Make sure you talk about the type of lens and what the glasses will be used, for example, VARI focal for driving and office work with extra coating for x,y and z reason.

Leave with a statement to show the patient has been left in good hands, “lovely meeting you, I’m going to leave you with John, he is fantastic at what he does and he will look after you’.

Most multiples adopt this method, and it has been proven to work.

Stable prescription

We all find it hard to convert someone who has no change but there is a thing to can say that will help.

As a Locum unfortunately conversion is a measure of your performance as well as mannerism and professionalism. Getting a good conversion will make you more employable. 

Locum Optometry is an amazing career. Being self-employed gives you complete flexibility around your working world. Work when and where you want, with a higher daily rate. No wonder there has been a general increase in the number of Optometrists moving to locuming. Moving to Locuming does also bring on other challenges such as regular employment, managing your finances and not having a content base.

Top 5 tips to making Optometry Locum easier.

Tip 1. Being organized. There is no fear that you won’t find regular work. The Optometry business is ever-growing, therefore the demand for Optometrist has never been higher. But what you might not find the location you want if you leave it to late. To make sure you find the right job, you need to book in advance. Join Locumotive, and you can manage and book your days in advice in the location you want, quick and easy.

Tip 2. If higher rates are what you’re looking for, then you can try your luck by booking a day before, when stores are more desperate for cover. Use Locumotive chat feature you even negotiate your rate even higher.

Tip 3. Always negotiate. If you find the role you like but you have other commitments like having to be home by 4 pm for the kids. Then negotiate with stores, there is no harm in asking. The most obvious if you want a higher rate, don’t be scared to ask. If you don’t ask you won’t get.

Tip 4. Track your finances, being Locum you are self-employed, meaning you can expense a wide arrange of thing from, travel, lunch, uniform, and so on. Keep all your receipts. Something like QuickBooks care organize your receipts and mileage. Get an accountant to manage your taxes, or do it yourself. You will be amazed at how much money you will save.

Tip 5. Casing payment. You need to create an invoice and send it to your employer. Time-consuming. Most employers are good and promptly pay Locums but in many cases, you can be waiting for months for your payment, which can be frustrating if you need it. Unfortunately, you have to keep harassing them to pay, Locmotive instant invoice generator will create and send your invoice for you, and you can resubmit your invoice to prompt them. The store through the app will know if they’ve paid you so prompts are more effective.

For more information visit the Locumotive website

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